
  • Fu Xinxin Lomonosov Moscow State University
  • B. M. Malashenkov Lomonosov Moscow State University


Ice Silk Road, Arctic, Northern Sea Route, China, economy, transport, energy


The Ice Silk Road is an important component and logical continuation of the implementation of the strategic initiative "One Belt, One Road", a navigation channel running through the Arctic Ocean and connecting continents. The inclusion of the "Ice Silk Road" in the first comprehensive white paper on Arctic policy represents a historic step for China's participation in the Arctic. Although China's borders do not extend to the Arctic, China is one of the 13 "observers" in the Arctic Council and is increasingly active in the region. Over the past few years, China has achieved political synergy and started industrial, scientific and technological cooperation with the Russian Federation and the Nordic countries. The object of research is international scientific and technical projects based on the internationalization of participants. The subject of the study is the economic space of a single physical and geographical area of the Earth adjacent to the North Pole and having the potential to scale the economic activities of interested parties. Research methodology – theoretical and applied economic analysis of information and statistical reliable sources.  With its expanded interests and expanded capabilities, China is becoming the preferred partner for Russia and the countries of Europe and Asia in a number of infrastructure, energy and transport projects in the Arctic region – this actualizes the subject area of the study. Research results: special attention in the course of the research is paid to the description of the concept of the "Ice Silk Road", its content, goals and objectives; the internal and external advantages, as well as new potential opportunities associated with the implementation of the Ice Silk Road project are considered.


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Author Biographies

Fu Xinxin, Lomonosov Moscow State University

PhD student of the Department of Public Administration

B. M. Malashenkov , Lomonosov Moscow State University

PhD in Geography, Associate Professor of the Department of Public Administration


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How to Cite

Xinxin Ф. ., & Malashenkov Б. М. (2022). THE "ICE SILK ROAD" PROJECT, ITS ADVANTAGES AND OPPORTUNITIES. DISCUSSION | Journal of Scientific Publications on Economic ISSN 2077-7639, 113(4), 32–42. Retrieved from