Gorbunova O.I., Kulagina A.N., Bogomolova E.U. Natural climate solutions and their role in the development of sustainable forest management


  • admin admin


Natural climate solutions, forestry, forest climate projects, carbon units, sustainable forest management


 In the modern world, which is facing the problem of global warming and its impact on the environment, the attention of the scientific and expert communities is focused on finding effective solutions to mitigate the effects of climate change. The purpose of the study is to assess the situation regarding the implementation of climate projects in the forest complex of the Russian Federation, taking into account the problems of the transition of forestry to the principles of sustainable forest management and adaptation of the forest management system to the emerging consequences of climate change. It is shown that, despite the huge potential of the country to promote forest-climatic projects, the results of their implementation are insignificant. It is necessary to promote the implementation of forest-climatic projects, primarily in the regions of Siberia and the Far East. The experience gained in this area will require specialists to adapt forest management methods to conditions of uncertainty in achieving the goals of the climate agenda. Forest-climatic projects will allow the development of sustainable forest management tools that will contribute to solving the problem of preserving the forest ecosystems of our country, providing not only the function of carbon absorption, but also the entire range of ecosystem services.


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How to Cite

admin, admin. (2024). Gorbunova O.I., Kulagina A.N., Bogomolova E.U. Natural climate solutions and their role in the development of sustainable forest management. DISCUSSION | Journal of Scientific Publications on Economic ISSN 2077-7639, 126(5), 59–67. Retrieved from https://discussionj.ru/index.php/polemik/article/view/249

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