Energetics and social eﺔciency in the context of the functioning of the modern economy
energy profitability, energy resources, return on investment in energy, sustainable development, energy storage, public well-beingAbstract
The social efficiency of energetics is an important component of social welfare, which determines the sustainable development of social and production systems. The object of the research is energetics as a sector of economy. The subject of the study is the social space of energetics, which determines social and material welfare. The methodology of the research is the use of economic methods of cognition, including the study of statistical patterns and argumentation based on logical principles of thinking. The purpose of the study is to substantiate and quantify the social efficiency of energetics as a sector of economy. Research objectives: 1. To study the theoretical sources characterizing the subject area of the study; 2. To present quantitative statistical data on Russia and the world; 3. To formulate reasonable conclusions. In the study, we proceed from the hypothesis that the consumption of energy resources and the welfare of society are closely related and directly correlated. This hypothesis is confirmed by the theoretical analysis of fundamental research in the subject area. Research results: 1. A theoretical analysis of the EROI indicator and its particular cases is presented; 2. Quantitative values of the EROI indicator for the USA and European countries are presented; 3. Indicators of power and consumption of energy resources in Russia are presented; 4. Calculation of the social efficiency of energetics for Russia is presented.
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