Subjective assessment of training methods of stem specialists of student community in the socio-economic space of Russia, Belarus and Hungary


  • E.O. Niedergaus Ural Federal University, Yekaterinburg


STEM education, training methods, transformation of the higher education system, efficiency of the educational process, social environment, economic environment, socio-economic factors.


This study presents an analysis of the effectiveness of various training methods used in universities in Russia, Hungary and Belarus for the preparation of bachelors of engineering specialties.
The main purpose of the study is to analyze the opinions of students as the main actors of the educational process, the relevance and effectiveness of educational methods used in universities of countries with similar socio-economic prerequisites of economic management and an identical socio-cultural background. The main objectives of the study were identification of training methods that are most often used in the teaching practice of the university; identification of factors affecting the quality of STEM specialists’ training; identification of the most effective training methods in students’ assessments; comparative analysis of the level of national education and prevailing teaching methods in the higher education system of the studied countries for the objectivity of assessment.
The research methodology involves the use of a qualimetric approach based on generally recognized methods of scientific knowledge: comparison, analogy, induction, deduction, synthesis, etc. due to heuristic and formally logical principles of scientific research.
The methods of the training of STEM professionals applied in all three studied universities (traditional lectures and seminars, online courses, laboratory workshops, master classes, business games, projects, colloquiums and work experience intership) were selected as the evaluated teaching methods. Respondents were asked, based on a subjective assessment, to determine the effectiveness of each method on a ten-point scale, where 10 is the highest efficiency, 1 is the lowest efficiency. The object of the study was the student community of Belarus, Hungary and Russia as a particularly sensitive and accurate indicator of the effectiveness of training methods of STEM specialists.
The result of the study was the identification of the most effective teaching methods applied to the training of STEM specialists with similar conditions of factors of the internal and external environment of the socio-economic space.


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Author Biography

E.O. Niedergaus, Ural Federal University, Yekaterinburg

Deputy Director of the Career and Social Partnership Center of the School of Public Administration and Entrepreneurship of the Institute of Economics and Management, Head of the Department of Design and Development of Educational Programs of the Ural Humanitarian Institute


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How to Cite

Niedergaus . Е. (2021). Subjective assessment of training methods of stem specialists of student community in the socio-economic space of Russia, Belarus and Hungary . DISCUSSION | Journal of Scientific Publications on Economic ISSN 2077-7639, 108(5), 40–49. Retrieved from