personnel management, labor force, human capital, labor resources, labor market, personnel, applicantAbstract
The relevance of the article is determined by the advantages of HR marketing, which make it possible to create a highly efficient environment for the work and development of human resources and the realization of human potential. The object of research is the labor market as the main structural element of the national economy. The subject of the research is skilled labor as a factor of competition and an object of management in the labor market. The purpose of the study is to consider the functions and content of HR marketing in the context of increasing competition in the skilled labor market. The article reveals that companies that realize the importance of systematic work on HR strategies, communicating the value of human resources to managers at all levels, simplifying personnel changes, improving employee efficiency and a clear system for adapting new employees become attractive to potential employees and can extract additional effectiveness from the perception of the company's image by potential applicants. The article reveals the distribution of HR marketing into two groups: inside and outside. Statistical data on the labor force in the Russian labor market and indicators of potential labor are presented, while a trend of a sharp reduction in potential labor in the Russian labor market is revealed, which determines the growth of competition between employers for skilled labor. The identified actors, which, according to experts, have the greatest impact on the effectiveness of HR marketing and which are divided into four groups.
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