

industrial sphere, service sector, industrial and information society, method of grouping and generalization of data, regression analysis method, information technology, digital transformation


The article is devoted to the study of the role of industry in the transition to an industrial information economy. The object of the study is the World Bank statistics on the share of agriculture, industry and services in GDP, the share of the employed population in industry, the value added created in the industrial and service sectors, as well as indicators of technological development in the world as a whole and in six major countries of the world (including the Russian Federation). The purpose of the study is to assess the actual contribution of the industrial sector to the development of the economy of our country, other major countries and the world as a whole over the past 30 years using methods and tools of statistical analysis. The methodological basis of scientific research is: the method of grouping and generalizing data, the method of regression analysis. The application of these methods leads to the following results. The method of grouping and summarizing data allows you to identify that: 1) despite the declining share of the industrial sector in the gross domestic product (GDP), the cost indicators of industrial production in the world as a whole and individual countries in the conditions of the industrial and information economy continue to grow; 2) the observed decrease in the share of employment in the industry of developed countries shows the results of digitalization, automation and robotization of industrial production, leading to a reduction in demand for labor resources in this sector and their transition to an ever-growing service sector; 3) according to indicators characterizing technological development, the Russian Federation does not occupy leading places among developed and actively developing countries; of the countries considered by the authors, the European Union, the United Kingdom, the United States and China are in the lead. The use of the regression analysis method proves a rather high dependence of the rapidly growing service sector on industry: there is a simultaneous increase in gross value added created in industry and the service sector; at the same time, the service sector is growing at a higher rate than industry. The analysis carried out by the authors of the article convinces of the importance of maintaining a significant role of industry in the economy of the countries of the world in the conditions of industrial and information economy. This requires the implementation of an effective industrial policy of the state, the intellectual core of which is the latest technological order and which involves stimulating the necessary institutional and structural changes.


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Author Biographies

V. N. Podkorytov, Ural State Mining University (Yekaterinburg, Russian Federation)

Associate professor of the Department of Economics and Management

L. A. Mochalova , Ural State Mining University, (Yekaterinburg, Russian Federation)

Ph.D in Economics, Associate professor Head of the Department of Economics and Management


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How to Cite

Podkorytov В. Н., & Mochalova Л. А. (2024). ANALYSIS OF INDUSTRIAL DEVELOPMENT IN THE INDUSTRIAL AND INFORMATION ECONOMY. DISCUSSION | Journal of Scientific Publications on Economic ISSN 2077-7639, 120(5), 36–50. Retrieved from