
  • N. N. Ravochkin Kuzbass State Technical University named after T. F. Gorbachev (Kemerovo, Russian Federation)
  • N. H. Kashaev Institute of Law of the Ufa University of Science and Technology (Ufa, Russian Federation)
  • I. N. Baynazarov Kamchatka State Technical University (Petropavlovsk-Kamchatsky, Russian Federation)


Time inconsistency, true contradiction, economic policy, economic knowledge, logic, contradiction


The article examines situations in which the problem of the truth of contradictions arises within the framework of economic knowledge and economic policy, being the basis of dialetheism in economics, considering its impact on management theory and the development of optimal public policy. The object of the study is the Western model of economics, as the dominant model for the formation of modern economic knowledge. The subject of the study is dialetheism and inconsistency in time, as the basis for the emergence of contradictions in the existing system of economic knowledge. The purpose of the study is to consider the causes and objective foundations of dialetheism in economics, as true contradictions inherent in economic knowledge. The problem of dialetheism is a consequence of the problem of time inconsistency, which arises when the government lacks control tools that do not distort the real economic picture and when expectations about future variables influence current decisions within the framework of implemented economic policies and strategies. The article reveals that this problem can arise if policy goals differ from the original goals of the strategy, however, these circumstances do not exclude the use of optimal control theory in economic policy analysis, however, it raises serious questions regarding optimal control methods, which are especially important for the development economic policy and fulfillment of social obligations. The authors reveal a mechanism for resolving contradictions and inconsistencies with time, which includes the implementation of economic policy on the following grounds: Trust, which is achieved by maintaining the consistency of political decisions and compliance of actions with statements; Transparency is achieved by clearly informing citizens of political intentions and reasons; Social commitment mechanisms involve the development of policy rules, the independence of Central Banks and contractual obligations that ensure compliance with the policy plan.


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Author Biographies

N. N. Ravochkin, Kuzbass State Technical University named after T. F. Gorbachev (Kemerovo, Russian Federation)

Doctor of Philosophy, Associate Professor, Professor of the Department of History
Associate Professor of the Department of Pedagogical Technologies of the Kuzbass State Agricultural Academy

N. H. Kashaev, Institute of Law of the Ufa University of Science and Technology (Ufa, Russian Federation)

Senior Lecturer at the Department of International Law and International Relations

I. N. Baynazarov, Kamchatka State Technical University (Petropavlovsk-Kamchatsky, Russian Federation)

Ph.D. in Historical Sciences, associate professor, Deputy Dean for educational and scientific work of the Nautical Faculty


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How to Cite

Ravochkin Н. Н., Kashaev Н. Х., & Baynazarov И. Н. (2024). ECONOMIC AND SOCIAL PREREQUISITES OF DIALETHEISM IN THE WESTERN ECONOMIC MODEL . DISCUSSION | Journal of Scientific Publications on Economic ISSN 2077-7639, 120(5), 6–16. Retrieved from