
  • V. I. Kiselev Moscow State Institute of International Relations of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation (Moscow, Russian Federation)


Export of natural gas, energy resources, export of energy resources, import of energy resources, liquefied natural gas, pricing, geopolitics, geostrategy


Geopolitics, being an instrumental method of analyzing foreign policy, determines the understanding, explains and predicts the content of international political behavior using geographical variables, determining the state of the global energy market, based on the current agenda of the sanctions policy of Western countries towards Russia. Global energy is inextricably linked with geopolitics, mutually determining the state and vector of development of diplomatic and foreign economic relations of countries, hence the object of research is the state of the global energy market from the position of the current geopolitical agenda. The subject of the study is natural gas, as the main element of global energy, causing the greatest increase in geopolitical tensions. The purpose of the study is to present a descriptive state of the global energy market in relation to geopolitics. The research methodology is a descriptive and analytical method for the objects under consideration in the subject area of research. The content of the study is a descriptive analysis of the retrospective problem of pricing and the retrospective of contractual relations: USSR/Russia – European countries; the current situation with Russia’s export of energy resources to European countries; three scenarios of situational development according to the International Energy Agency. The results of the study represent independent scientifically-based conclusions that present the content and elements of the negative geopolitical situation around the world and, above all, in the EU countries.



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Author Biography

V. I. Kiselev, Moscow State Institute of International Relations of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation (Moscow, Russian Federation)

PhD student of the International Institute of Energy Policy and Diplomacy


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How to Cite

Kiselev В. И. . (2023). GLOBAL ENERGY AND MODERN GEOPOLITICS . DISCUSSION | Journal of Scientific Publications on Economic ISSN 2077-7639, 115(6), 18–29. Retrieved from



Economics and management of the national economy
