
  • R. A. Gilmutdinova Ufa University of Science and Technology (Ufa, Russian Federation)
  • I. M. Khanova Ufa University of Science and Technology (Ufa, Russian Federation)
  • R. M. Sibagatullina Ufa University of Science and Technology (Ufa, Russian Federation)
  • S. R. Abramova Ufa University of Science and Technology (Ufa, Russian Federation)


National security, geopolitics, geo-economics, sanctions, social security, economic system, social system


This study examines social and economic security as components of national security that ensure social stability and economic well-being of society. The relevance of the study lies in the growth of external threats caused by political, financial, social instability around the world, the use of sanctions by Western countries as a lever of pressure on Russia. The object of the study is the national economy within the framework of the existing social formation. The subject of the study is the state of the socio–economic system characterized by stability, stability of internal social and economic processes, including all aspects of economic and individual life of citizens. The purpose of the study is to consider the content of social and economic security within the framework of the unity of categories of economic knowledge. Research objectives: 1. To study the theoretical studies of domestic and foreign scientists of the studied problems; 2. To use the results of the theoretical analysis of various sources to argue the unity of social and economic within the economic category of security; 3. To present economically, scientifically sound results and conclusions of the study. The research methodology is an economic approach to the study of economic phenomena caused by generally accepted methods of scientific cognition. The results of the study: 1. The content of social security is presented; 2. The content of economic security is presented; 3. The unity of social and economic security within the categories of social and economic life is argued.


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Author Biographies

R. A. Gilmutdinova, Ufa University of Science and Technology (Ufa, Russian Federation)

PhD in Technical Sciences, Associate Professor of the Department of Economic and Legal Security of the Institute of History and Public Administration

I. M. Khanova, Ufa University of Science and Technology (Ufa, Russian Federation)

PhD in Economics, Associate Professor of the Department of Economic and Legal Security of the Institute of History and Public Administration

R. M. Sibagatullina, Ufa University of Science and Technology (Ufa, Russian Federation)

PhD in Economics, Associate Professor of the Department of Economic and Legal Security of the Institute of History and Public Administration

S. R. Abramova, Ufa University of Science and Technology (Ufa, Russian Federation)

PhD in Historical Sciences, Associate Professor of the Department of Economic and Legal Security of the Institute of History and Public Administration


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How to Cite

Gilmutdinova Р. А., Khanova И. М., Sibagatullina Р. М., & Abramova С. Р. (2023). THE DUALITY OF SOCIAL AND ECONOMIC SECURITY AS COMPENSATION FOR THE GROWTH OF EXTERNAL THREATS . DISCUSSION | Journal of Scientific Publications on Economic ISSN 2077-7639, 114(5), 71–80. Retrieved from