Social discount rate, intertemporal preferences, elasticity of marginal utility, social impact project, public investment, regulatory impact assessmentAbstract
This study examines the issue of assessing the social effect using the Ramsey formula in the frame of assessing the social effect of the implementation of investments in construction. The purpose of the study is an example of the use of the modified Ramsey formula for maximizing public utility in assessing the social discount rate as a result of calculating the social effect of the development of investments in construction. In this article we formulate a hypothesis of variable values of the constituent parameters of the social discount rate within the framework of the approach of assessing intertemporal consumption preferences. The main result of the study is an example of a modification of the Ramsey formula, then the author presents a calculation formula for the social discount rate, in which the parameters are not constant in the calculation period and have a variable character, that is, they depend on t – time. The author also gives an example of calculating the social discount rate according to the Ramsey formula modified in the previous study for a separate region of the Russian Federation. Further, a separate type of formulas for the social effect of the implementation of projects in construction is presented and the importance of modifying the Ramsey formula for an objective assessment of the social effect is clearly reflected. Within the framework of this study, economic and mathematical methods are used to formalize the subject of the study.
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