
  • H. S. Umarov Moscow State Institute of International Relations, Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation


Metaverse, Digitalization, blockchain, information and communication technologies, artificial intelligence, virtual reality, extended reality, Augmented reality, Web3, COVID-19


In recent years, both the scientific community and ordinary users have sharply increased their interest in studying the practical applicability of the latest information technologies and active using the tools of the new digital space of the metaverse to solve both professional and personal tasks.The object of the research will be technologies and innovative tools of the modern metaverse. The subject of the research is the study of the impact of metaverse technologies on the transformation of global economic processes.The key objectives of the scientific research are a careful analysis of the possibilities, advantages and problematic aspects of using the metaverse tools, taking into account the impact of current economic cataclysms (COVID-19 coronavirus infection, global inflation growth, the global energy crisis, the general aggravation of the political situation in the world, etc.).To conduct a qualitative analysis of metaverse technologies, methods of theoretical generalization, structural grouping, comparative analysis of foreign and Russian sources of leading experts in the field of marketing, digital and information and communication technologies, as well as reporting information from consulting and analytical agencies Statista, Grand View Research, Cointelegraph, Emergen Research, Tech Target, McKinsey & Company for 2018-2022. The scientific novelty of the research work is due to the high degree of integration of metaverse technologies into corporate processes of both large and small companies in various categories of professional activity (banking institutions, educational organizations, commercial and industrial enterprises, etc.). As the main results of the study, the authors state the increase in the number of studies in the field of metaverse technologies, as well as the impact of the claimed technologies on strengthening the process of digitalization of the modern economy.The author concludes that it is possible to implement numerous scenarios for the practical use of new tools in various fields of human activity (from the educational environment to medical manipulations) and insists that metaverses are capable of radically transforming global economic processes.


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Author Biography

H. S. Umarov , Moscow State Institute of International Relations, Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation

Ph.D. in Economics, lecturer of the Department of Accounting, Statistics and Audit


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How to Cite

Umarov Х. С. (2022). PROSPECTS FOR THE DEVELOPMENT OF METAVERSE TECHNOLOGIES ON GLOBAL ECONOMIC PLATFORMS. DISCUSSION | Journal of Scientific Publications on Economic ISSN 2077-7639, 113(4), 76–90. Retrieved from