Legalization of income in the informal economy of Russia: critical analysis and countermeasures


  • A. S. Poliychuk Sberbank PJSC (Moscow, Russian Federation)


Shadow economy, legalization of informal income, countering money laundering, risk, real sector of the economy


The study examines the functioning of the shadow economy of Russia in terms of the legalization of income obtained by illegal means. The theoretical significance of the study lies in the fact that the scaling of shadow processes and the informal part of economic systems negatively affect the efficiency of the functioning of the national economy, which causes an objective need for critical analysis and the development of countermeasures. The object of the study is the national economy and national income. The subject of the study is the informal economy and part of the national income obtained illegally. The purpose of the study is to identify objects of economic and illegal activities in the national system of economic management and to develop measures to counteract the scaling of the legalization of illegally obtained income. Research objectives: 1. Theoretical analysis of the research results of domestic and foreign scientists; 2. Analysis and processing of statistically significant data; 3. Graphical analysis of data; 4. Development of measures to counter money laundering; 5. Formulation of conclusions. The research methodology is adopted as an economic and statistical approach, conditioned by heuristic methods of scientific cognition. Research results: 1. It was revealed that the main source of legalization of informal income according to the results of the study is digital currencies in terms of payment and exchange, individual entrepreneurs in terms of the legal form of the organization, construction in terms of the type of economic activity. 2. The risk groups of legalization of informal income are presented; 3. The typology of preventive measures for the legalization of informal income is presented.


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Author Biography

A. S. Poliychuk, Sberbank PJSC (Moscow, Russian Federation)

сybersecurity exper


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How to Cite

Poliychuk . А. С. . (2022). Legalization of income in the informal economy of Russia: critical analysis and countermeasures. DISCUSSION | Journal of Scientific Publications on Economic ISSN 2077-7639, 111(2), 60–70. Retrieved from