Using artificial intelligence in “Smart-Ecology” projects


  • N. Gorodnova Ural Federal University named after the first President of Russia B.N. Yeltsin (Ekaterinburg, Russian Federation).


Smart City, Smart ecology, artificial intelligence, robots, neural networks, innovation, ecosystem, disruption.


The implementation of the concept of “Smart City” and the use of artificial intelligence presupposes the inclusion in the system of such basic elements as the development of the digital
economy, the integration of breakthrough IT technologies, the formation of Smart human
capital, which provides a fundamental fusion of nano-, bio-, cognitive and socio-humanitarian technologies through digital systems, as well as the existence and development of the
Smart Ecology system based on the principles of saving natural resources and combating
environmental pollution using artificial intelligence. In this regard, the topic of analyzing
the prospects for the use of computer algorithms and neural networks in the development of
innovative and cost-effective methods of combating environmental pollution and processing
man-made materials becomes even more relevant. The author of the article, based on the
systematization of the accumulated experience, carried out full-fledged scientific research
and laboratory tests, on the basis of which a method for processing man-made waste from
thermal power plants was patented by enriching mineral raw materials according to the density of the useful component and developing a device for its implementation. It is concluded
that the resulting device allows achieving high efficiency due to its continuous operation,
low metal consumption, minimal time and labor costs for installation and dismantling, as
well as to reduce to a minimum the time and labor costs for preparation and equipment of
the site, which will allow to obtain an economic effect of operation. devices and improve the
ecological situation of the territories. In the future, it is possible to use automated process
control systems. The article can be useful for representatives of public authorities, as well
as specialists implementing priority innovative environmental projects.


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Author Biography

N. Gorodnova, Ural Federal University named after the first President of Russia B.N. Yeltsin (Ekaterinburg, Russian Federation).

Dr. Sc. in Economics, Associate Professor, Professor
of the Department of Legal Regulation of Economic Activities



How to Cite

Gorodnova Н. . (2021). Using artificial intelligence in “Smart-Ecology” projects. DISCUSSION | Journal of Scientific Publications on Economic ISSN 2077-7639, 106(2 (3), 34–48. Retrieved from