Transformation of triple helix model in the conditions of innovative ecosystems formation in industry



Triple helix, model, industrial sustainable development, production and economic systems, innovation process, ecosystems


Growing attention to innovations as one of the key factors for ensuring sustainable development in the strategic perspective has determined their active study, analysis of causes and sources of occurrence, creation of formation and dissemination models. Models of innovative development have become the object of this study. The constant increase in the volume of interactions, the increased specialization of individual elements, the need for a sharp reduction in the time of product launch to the market and the increase in the number of subjects involved in the innovation process, closely interconnected within a single continuous flow, are reflected in spiral cycle models, one of the most common among which is the triple helix model. Innovative development presentation in the form of spiral cycles and triple helix models, in particular, served as the object of research. The subject of the study was changes in the triple helix model caused by modern transformations of the external environment and subjects of interaction themselves, modification of their roles and management specifics to achieve sustainable development based on the innovation flow. The aim was to develop methodological support for regional innovation potential strengthening through the formation of a unified environment based on the principles of open innovation and contributing to the creation of scientific and technical information networks, as well as opportunities for their commercialization. As a result of the study: noting problems highlighted in the analysis of conceptual models of innovative processes implementation at the present stage, as well as taking into account peculiarities of their practical existing application conditions and their development trends, the article describes the developed modified model of the triple helix. Authors highlight the need for an ecosystem approach to the consideration of innovation processes implementation and management. Such modular structural representation of it can be used to innovative processes implementation model, monitoring and forecasting the nature and dynamics of the structure and behavior of these ecosystems constituent elements.


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Author Biographies

E. A. Kirillova, , Branch of the National Research University «Moscow Power Engineering Institute» (Smolensk, Russian Federation)

Ph.D. in Economics, Associate Professor, Department of Information Technologies in Economics and Management

M. I. Dli , Branch of the National Research University «Moscow Power Engineering Institute» (Smolensk, Russian Federation)

Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor, Head of Department of Information Technologies in Economics and Management

T. V. Kakatunova , Branch of the National Research University «Moscow Power Engineering Institute» (Smolensk, Russian Federation)

Doctor of Economic Sciences, Professor, Department of Information Technologies in Economics and Management

V. A. Epifanov , Moscow Power Engineering Institute (Moscow, Russian Federation)

Doctor of Economic Sciences, Professor


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How to Cite

Kirillova . Е. А., Dli М. И., Kakatunova Т. В., & Epifanov В. А. (2022). Transformation of triple helix model in the conditions of innovative ecosystems formation in industry. DISCUSSION | Journal of Scientific Publications on Economic ISSN 2077-7639, 110(1), 16–32. Retrieved from