The impact of illegal migration on Russia's demographic and economic security


  • R. I. Akyulov Ural Institute of management-branch of the Russian presidential Academy of national economy and public administration (Yekaterinburg, Russian Federation).


Demographic security, shadow economy, illegal migration, illegal labor force, beneficiaries of illegal migration, special forms of social and labor relations, national security


The article examines the patterns and causes of the development of illegal migration, which contributes to the formation of the shadow sector of the economy, which negatively affects the demographic and economic security of the country, the prospects for economic development of Russian regions. The steady nature and unchangeable scale of illegal migration has been determined. A detailed conceptual and categorical analysis of this phenomenon is carried out with the study of the interrelationships with demographic security. The mechanism of reducing demographic and economic security due to the development of illegal migration is studied in detail, such concepts as “beneficiaries of the shadow economy and illegal migration” are proposed. The object of the study is the demographic and economic security of the country and regions, and the subject is the order and scale of the impact of illegal migration of foreigners and partly Russian citizens registered in one region and showing economic activity in another. This paper assesses the reasons for maintaining a high level of the shadow economy, involving people with new types of economic activity in it, in general, new spheres of activity that increase the capitalization of the shadow sector of the economy, which significantly reduces the economic security of the country. The study analyzes trends in the social and labor sphere and labor migration, the reasons for the increase of the shadow sector, the authors developed a set of measures to reduce the scale of illegal migration, the shadow economy and to increase the level of demographic and economic security of the country.


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Author Biography

R. I. Akyulov, Ural Institute of management-branch of the Russian presidential Academy of national economy and public administration (Yekaterinburg, Russian Federation).

doctor of Economics, Professor


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How to Cite

Akyulov Р. И. . (2022). The impact of illegal migration on Russia’s demographic and economic security . DISCUSSION | Journal of Scientific Publications on Economic ISSN 2077-7639, 110(1), 6–16. Retrieved from



Economics and management of the national economy
