The impact of blockchain technologies on the transformation of government and corporate processes



Digital economy, information society, information space, knowledge society, development strategy.


In modern Russia, the introduction of information technologies, the digitalization of economic, social and other social processes are part of the state policy aimed at improving the lives of citizens. So, according to the Decree of the President of the Russian Federation of May 9, 2017 No. 203 “On the Strategy for the Development of the Information Society in the Russian Federation for 2017 - 2030”, the development of the digital economy, ensuring national interests and priorities for the development of society until 2030 is envisaged.  Blockchain technology is one of the key to the digitalization process. Blockchain technology allows the company to receive various benefits, including economic effect and efficiency. The advantages that are expressed in security, immutability of information, anonymity provide a high level of information protection. This is especially important in the implementation of government processes, during which the personal data of millions of people can be stolen. The object of research is the information society and the digital economy, as a result of the implementation of the state strategy for the development of the information society. The subject of the research is blockchain technologies as an element of the information society development strategy. The purpose of the study is to present a description of the content of blockchain technologies to achieve the target indicators of the state strategy for the development of the information society. The research methodology is a set of heuristic methods of cognition of reality, based on the economic and legal foundations of the modern structure of Russia. The result of the study is the disclosure of the forms and content of blockchain technologies, as an indispensable attribute of the information society and digital economy. The theoretical significance and scientific novelty of the study consists in the theoretical understanding of the possibilities of blockchain technologies in achieving the target indicators of the information society development strategy formulated by the President of the Russian Federation.



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Author Biography

H. S. Umarov, KVELL, Moscow, Russia

executive Director


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How to Cite

Umarov . Х. С. (2022). The impact of blockchain technologies on the transformation of government and corporate processes. DISCUSSION | Journal of Scientific Publications on Economic ISSN 2077-7639, 109(6), 28–38. Retrieved from