Development of the performance characteristics of tractors in the USA and the USSR (Russia) - stages of development


  • G. A. Iovlev Ural State Agrarian University, Ekaterinburg
  • V.V. Pobedinsky Ural State Agrarian University, Ekaterinburg
  • I.I. Goldina Ural State Agrarian University, Ekaterinburg


Means of mechanization, tractor construction, tractor design, fleet structure, production volumes, energy supply, traction force, productivity, agricultural machines


Tractor construction industry appeared at the beginning of the twentieth century in the United States. Many tractor manufacturing companies that were organised at the beginning of the last century still exist today, having passed through a series of transformations, mergers, termination and resumption of activities. The design of the tractor for 100 years has undergone tremendous changes both in terms of power and engine design, as well as in terms of transmission and running gear. As the design of tractors developed, the structure of the tractor fleet in world agriculture also changed, inclusive of the USA. If in the 80s of the last century tractors with an engine power of less than 36.7 kW prevailed in the fleet structure, then by 2017 tractors with a power in the range of 36.7-73.5 kW were already in more demand. Tractors from these ranges also dominate in the sales structure. The production of tractors had a direct impact on the development of agriculture. The tractor industry developed differently in the USA and the USSR. Production was incommensurable before 1950 and at the present time. This affects the fleet of tractors in agriculture, energy capacities, energy supply of labor. Development and improvement of the design of the tractor also improved their performance characteristics. The analysis of the performance characteristics of tractors was made on the basis of the following indicators characterizing the brands of tractors: weight, traction force, productivity. The calculation and analysis of the development of performance characteristics was carried out using the example of tractors manufactured by Allis-Chalmers from 1922 to the present (in 1990, Allis-Chalmers became part of AGCO - Allis-Gltaner Corporation).



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Author Biographies

G. A. Iovlev, Ural State Agrarian University, Ekaterinburg

Candidate of Economic Sciences, Associate Professor, Faculty of Engineering Technologies

V.V. Pobedinsky, Ural State Agrarian University, Ekaterinburg

Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor, Faculty of Engineering Technologies


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How to Cite

Iovlev Г. А. ., Pobedinsky . В., & Goldina И. И. . (2022). Development of the performance characteristics of tractors in the USA and the USSR (Russia) - stages of development. DISCUSSION | Journal of Scientific Publications on Economic ISSN 2077-7639, 109(6), 6–20. Retrieved from