Development of the system of remuneration for employees of the sales department at enterprises with high seasonality of demand


  • D. Setina State University of Management (Moscow, Russian Federation).


Self-financing, indicator, fund, fund network. JEL: G30


One of the main problems of a significant part of enterprises and organizations is the seasonality of demand, since it affects sales and business profitability. Seasonality is determined by the periods of growth and decline of various economic phenomena and processes.
The urgency of the problem increases against the background of the socio-economic crisis in
the country. Seasonal changes in demand hinder effective production planning, complicate
the formation of a sales policy, reduce liquidity and the amount of profit received. The article outlines the goals that should be achieved with the help of the organization’s management in conditions of high seasonality. Also, in the conditions of a decline in sales, a reduction in the number of employees, there are changes in the organization of labor and its payment. Based on this, the author has developed and presented a methodology for managing
the sales department in conditions of a high level of seasonality. The essence of the methodology lies in the variability of the KPI of sales managers depending on the season, and in
the fundamental rejection of the system of motivation (remuneration) based on the principle of “salary+percentage”. It is proposed to replace the “salary+percentage” motivation
system with a remuneration system in which payment is made for the amount of work performed, for example, depending on the number of calls to potential customers made during
the “low” season. During the “high” season, it is proposed to add a premium to the KPI system for fulfilling the sales volume. At the same time, the amount of the bonus should differ,
for example, managers who performed the largest amount of work during the “off-season”
should be paid an increased amount. A properly chosen remuneration system increases the
quality and productivity of labor, which will help to increase profits.


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Author Biography

D. Setina, State University of Management (Moscow, Russian Federation).

Master of management organization
General director of LLC «Giperion»


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How to Cite

Setina Д. (2021). Development of the system of remuneration for employees of the sales department at enterprises with high seasonality of demand . DISCUSSION | Journal of Scientific Publications on Economic ISSN 2077-7639, 106(2 (3), 23–32. Retrieved from