Machinery used in field cultivation: a comparative economic analysis of 1979 and the present


  • G.A. Iovlev Ural State Agrarian University, Yekaterinburg


Completing vehicles, field work, productivity, management, supplies, acquisition, power supply, vehicle availability, vehicles, short-term planning.


The issues of economic efficiency of agricultural production, from tillage to harvesting crops, have always been at the forefront of the activities of agricultural organizations. Technological experts are interested in the correct formation of machine and tractor aggregates (MTA), in choosing the optimal method of MTA movement, how to properly prepare the field for the operation of one or another unit. Optimization of the transport process for the delivery of seeds, fertilizers, as well as for the transport of crops is of great importance. Agricultural transport is of particular importance when harvesting grain and forage crops, because the performance of the entire harvesting and transport complex (HTC) depends on the availability of transport. Agricultural production is based on the constant improvement of the quality of MTA, the use of more energy-rich tractors, wide-cut and combined tillage and sowing machines. Modern agricultural production implies a high energy/labor ratio. The system for maintaining technical readiness, i.e. maintenance and repair (MOT and R) is very important in the efficient use of agricultural machinery. The current state of agriculture, more than ever, requires a more thorough scientific approach to the most effective use of available agricultural equipment, to properly organize its work, to maintain optimal agrotechnical terms, which is a guarantee of an increase in gross product yields. This study analyzes the supply and purchase of the main types of agricultural machinery in the years of the 10th five-year plan (1976-1980) and in the modern period (2016-2020), the power-to-weight ratio of agriculture for these periods, the load of arable land and areas under grain crops per one tractor and one combine harvester, the operational characteristics of tractors and combine harvesters of that time (1979) and modern ones are presented. It should be noted that the problem of short-term planning of field work, identified by researchers in 1979, remains relevant at the present time.


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Author Biography

G.A. Iovlev, Ural State Agrarian University, Yekaterinburg

PhD in Economics, Associate Professor, Faculty of Engineering


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How to Cite

Iovlev Г. (2021). Machinery used in field cultivation: a comparative economic analysis of 1979 and the present. DISCUSSION | Journal of Scientific Publications on Economic ISSN 2077-7639, 108(5), 16–26. Retrieved from