Efficiency of public administration as a factor of increasing investment activity in the region
Investment activity, regional system, public administration, management mechanism efficiency.Abstract
The growth of the country’s macroeconomic indicators is impossible without the efforts of state authorities aimed at increasing the role of investment in the economy. The study of factors of innovative development at the level of individual enterprises, regions, and countries has a long history. The importance of including investment growth as a factor in shaping the effectiveness of the system’s strategy is noted by many foreign and domestic authors. The formation of conditions for increasing the investment activity of economic entities is based on an effective system of regional systems management. At the same time, one of the decisive factors in the formation of a successful public policy is the structure of public authorities. The study of this aspect is almost not carried out currently. This article examines the influence of the public administration system (on the example of the regional level) on the parameters of investment activity. Methods of statistical analysis and expert opinion are used for the research. Within the framework of the study, 14 evaluation indicators were formulated. These indicators are grouped according to various areas, a criterion for assessing the quality of public administration was set, and the weight of each factor was determined. The objects of research are the regions of the Russian Federation. The experts are representatives of the business community and organizations that support entrepreneurs in the region. Detailing and identifying the level of influence of the quality of public administration on the investment attractiveness of the region was carried out in the most representative region of Russia during the year. As a result of the study, the reasons for the lack of activity of state authorities in the region were identified, and evidence of the need to implement measures to improve the efficiency of public administration in the country’s investment development strategy was obtained. According to the conclusions, the region needs to develop organizational schemes for interaction with business structures, take measures aimed at the potential development that contributes to the productive functioning of innovations in the region, and form an organizational structure of regional management that meets the goals and objectives of innovative development of the region. The study of the impact of the effectiveness of the internal structure of public authorities on the growth of investment activity in the region and, as a result, its economic development significantly complements the methodology of innovation management. Based on the developed assessment methodology, it becomes possible to conduct practical research on the innovation infrastructure of the region and the country as a whole.
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