On the impact of digital transformations on the regulation of international e-commerce


  • E.N Smirnov Of The State University Of Management (Moscow, Russian Federation)
  • S.V. Pospelov Of The State University Of Management (Moscow, Russian Federation)
  • B.D Nuriev Of The State University Of Management (Moscow, Russian Federation)


International e-commerce, state jurisdiction, digital technologies, blockchain technology, artificial intelligence, law relationship, electronic transaction, digital technology export, new reality.


The rapid development of international e-commerce, which has been observed in the last few years, requires more systematic and thoughtful state regulation. This circumstance is caused by digital technologies that form the so-called new reality, essentially, international commercial transactions fall out of the sphere of traditional regulation and control. Some types of digital technologies, such as blockchain technology and artificial intelligence, completely change the long-established understanding of the state jurisdiction. Currently, we are witnessing the inefficiency of regulating international commerce within the framework of the previous paradigm, when the concept of “state jurisdiction” directly or indirectly intersected with the concept of “space”. The authors believe that the category of “state jurisdiction” will be revised in the future, taking into account the peculiarities of the emerging commercial law relations, parties of which can be supplemented by artificial intelligence. The authors propose to supplement the existing approaches to the theorization of state jurisdiction with the socalled subject-object approach, including the features of an electronic transaction (e-transaction) that is executed in a cross-border format. The revision of the state jurisdiction category in the future may have a positive impact on the development of e-commerce, the export of digital services and the attraction of foreign IT companies to the Russian jurisdiction.


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Author Biographies

E.N Smirnov, Of The State University Of Management (Moscow, Russian Federation)

DoctorOfEconomics, Professor, Professor Of The Department Of World Economy And International Economic Relations Of The State University Of Management (Moscow, Russian Federation).

S.V. Pospelov, Of The State University Of Management (Moscow, Russian Federation)

PhD in Economics,AssociateProfessor, Associate Professor Of The Department Of World Economy And International Economic Relations Of The State University Of Management (Moscow, Russian Federation)

B.D Nuriev, Of The State University Of Management (Moscow, Russian Federation)

PhD in Philosophy, Associate Professor Of The Department Of World Economy And International Economic Relations, The Department Of State And Municipal Administration Of The State University Of Management(Moscow, Russian Federation).


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How to Cite

Smirnov Е., Pospelov . С., & Nuriev Б. (2021). On the impact of digital transformations on the regulation of international e-commerce . DISCUSSION | Journal of Scientific Publications on Economic ISSN 2077-7639, 107(4), 21–28. Retrieved from https://discussionj.ru/index.php/polemik/article/view/16