Household, market subject, institution, economic subject, household management, optimization of household activity, rational use of resources, household savings, investment activity, institutional environmentAbstract
The study of a household from the point of view of one or another direction of economic theory reveals only its individual characteristics inherent in it at certain stages of development as an institution or an economic entity. The article presents the results of a scientific study of the theoretical foundations and economic essence of such a subject as a “household”, the main aspects of the household as an economic category are studied, the fundamental role of households in the formation and functioning of socio-economic systems of various scales is determined. The necessity of regulatory regulation of the activities of households as economic entities with the corresponding rights and obligations is substantiated. The common features and differences with corporate economic entities are analyzed. The application of systemic, institutional and structural-functional approaches allowed us to determine the patterns of functioning of households and their place in the national economy. The paper examines the essence of the investment function, which is inherent and necessary for any economic entity to ensure the growth of asset capitalization and financial stability in the face of external challenges and uncertainty. The ways of solving this problem are proposed, which will make it possible in the future to increase the effectiveness of state regulation of the economy, enterprises and households, since the prospects for improving the standard of living of the population and the development of the Russian economy depend on the financial stability of the latter, as well as on competent investment strategies.
Materials and methods. The article reveals the concept, the economic essence of households, as well as the prospects for the growth of their influence on the development of modern socio–economic systems in the paradigm of modern economic theory. The study analyzes the structure, patterns of life activity, as well as the typology of households. The article provides a detailed theoretical analysis of the concept of “household”, its economic essence is considered, the author’s interpretation of the concepts of “economic entity” and “household savings” in the framework of the reproductive approach is proposed. The scientific substantiation of the economic subjectivity of a household as a full-fledged participant in investment activity is given, the peculiarities of investment behavior of households are revealed, the key factors preventing the increase in investment activity of households are systematized. The author’s interpretation of the economic category “household” is proposed. The paper examines the essence of the investment function, which is characteristic of every economic entity, including a household, to ensure the capitalization of assets and financial stability in the face of external challenges and uncertainty. The necessity of the development of investment activity of households and the development of appropriate provisions in the development strategies of municipalities is substantiated.
Discussions/Conclusions. The results of the study will justify the need to consider households as economic entities and create conditions for the development of their investment activity. At the municipal level, it is proposed to create conditions for increasing the investment activity of households, including improving the regulatory framework. The authors believe that this problem of the modern economy is one of the priorities, the solution of which will allow in the future to increase the effectiveness of state regulation of the economy at the municipal, regional level, since the prospects for growth in the level, quality of life of the population and socio–economic potential of the country depend on the financial stability of households, as well as on the success of investment strategies.
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