monocentrism, polycentrism, common good, public good, collective action, polycentric development, monocentric development, BRICSAbstract
The processes of globalization, which lead to a sharp differentiation of society in terms of the level and quality of life, the growth of economic contradictions and geopolitical tensions objectively reflect the ineffectiveness of a unipolar system. The article examines the organizational aspects of the multipolar structure of society and the economy, as opposed to the unipolarity of the modern structure of the world and the economy. The article examines the multipolar structure of the world through the construction of a single economic space. The object of research is society. The subject of the study is the single economic space. The purpose of the study is to consider the content of a multipolar system through the existing example of the BRICS informal community. The article argues that the multipolar structure of the world in terms of building a single economic space is based on the principles of polycentrism and collective responsibility. It is revealed that “public goods” presuppose the presence of economic goods - a limited set of resources used by different people, their use of which cannot be limited, and common goods are those resources, the possession of which requires collective production, cooperation and interaction: collective decisions, distribution of energy resources, food sharing, agriculture, financial assets and currencies, public health services, schools, environmental resources. It is argued that a single economic space on the principles of polycentrism implies the solution of common problems that people face in the course of solving problems, including the division and distribution of tasks, the distribution of benefits, and important in this case are the principles of organizing the common good and collective action, which oppose monocentric development, where one country or several countries dominate the public space.
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