
  • G. A. Iovlev Ural State Agrarian University (Ekaterinburg, 620075, Russia)
  • I. I. Goldina Ural State Agrarian University (Ekaterinburg, 620075, Russia)


Market, import, tractor production, ballast weights, energy saturation, tractive effort, traction resistance, additional loading options, productivity, fuel consumption


The relevance of the study is determined by the fact that European and American manufacturers left the Russian market of agricultural machinery, tractors of Chinese, Indian production, and other Asian manufacturers began to enter the market. As a result, deliveries of tractors for agriculture from China (the engine power range over 40 hp) have increased by 5.1 times over the past three years, while at the same time a sharp decrease in “parallel imports” of tractors manufactured by leading foreign companies through China occured. The share of Chinese imports in the agricultural tractor market in 2022 was only 14.4%. Zoomlion, Lovol, YTO, AGROAPOLLO and Ensign tractors appeared on the Russian market. The presented tractors, in equal ranges of engine power, have almost equal technical and economic indicators, differ in operating weights, amounts and distribution of ballast weights, specific fuel consumption. The choice of a tractor can be made according to its operational properties. In this article, it is proposed to evaluate the performance properties according to the machine-tractor unit capacity and according to the specific fuel consumption during the cultivation technological operation. To determine the operational properties, ballasting options are proposed to increase the tractive effort of the tractor, taking into account the energy saturation of the tractor. According to the optimal load, taking into account the traction force reserve factor, the operating speeds were selected to ensure maximum productivity and minimum fuel consumption per hectare of the cultivated area. AGROAPOLLO CFG904B tractor (an engine power of 90 hp) has the best operational properties, which is up to 40% higher in productivity, up to 20% lower in specific fuel consumption than other Chinese tractors. We carried out a comparative analysis of Chinese and Belarus tractors in the range of 100, 120, 200-230 hp of the corresponding traction class.



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Author Biographies

G. A. Iovlev, Ural State Agrarian University (Ekaterinburg, 620075, Russia)

Ph.D. in Economics, Associate Professor, Head of the Department of Transport and Technological Machinery and Equipment Service in the Agroindustrial Complex, Faculty of Engineering Technologies

I. I. Goldina, Ural State Agrarian University (Ekaterinburg, 620075, Russia)

Senior lecturer, Department «Service of transport and technological machines and equipment in the agro-industrial complex», Faculty of Engineering Technologies


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How to Cite

Iovlev Г. А., & Goldina И. И. (2023). ASSESSMENT OF TECHNICAL AND ECONOMIC INDICATORS OF AGRICULTURAL MACHINERY UTILIZATION. DISCUSSION | Journal of Scientific Publications on Economic ISSN 2077-7639, 117(2), 62–76. Retrieved from