
  • V.V. Sorokin Moscow State Institute of International Relations of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation (Moscow, Russian Federation)


Renewable energy sources, bioenergy, pellets, energy efficiency, greenhouse gases, energy security, green technologies


The transition to low-carbon energy has a number of economic aspects that can have an impact on various sectors of the economy and society. The rejection of traditional energy sources has not empirically confirmed its economic efficiency, taking into account the experience of Western countries in 2022. Nevertheless, the transition to low-carbon energy is an important issue of preserving environmental and social well-being, these aspects are considered in the study. The object of research is energy as a branch of generation, distribution, and transmission of energy. The subject of the study is low–carbon energy as a type of energy, the source of which minimizes damage to the environment by significant reduction of greenhouse gas emissions as a result of human economic activity. The purpose of the study is to reveal the economic and technical content of low–carbon energy in the modern world and Russia. The study presents the historical stages of low-carbon energy development. The positive aspects of the transition to low-carbon energy and low-carbon economy are considered. The classification of low-carbon energy sources according to four sources of energy security is presented. It is argued that the most promising direction of low-carbon energy in Russia is biofuels. The technical and economic aspects of using of pellets as a promising source of low-carbon energy are considered.


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Author Biography

V.V. Sorokin, Moscow State Institute of International Relations of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation (Moscow, Russian Federation)

Ph.D student of the International Institute of Energy Policy and Diplomacy


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How to Cite

Sorokin В. (2023). ECONOMIC ASPECTS OF THE TRANSITION TO LOW-CARBON ENERGY . DISCUSSION | Journal of Scientific Publications on Economic ISSN 2077-7639, 116(1), 46–58. Retrieved from