Managing the effectiveness of the reproduction of human resources in the region: problems and prospects


  • R.I. Akyulov


Reproduction of human resources, depopulation, population decline, demographic aging, decline in the labor force, project management, results management.


The article examines the problems of reproduction of human resources, low birth rate, high mortality rate, structural unemployment in a typical industrial Russian region on the example of the Sverdlovsk region. The paper analyzes the dynamics of indicators of the natural movement of the population of the Sverdlovsk region in 2008-2020, while since 2016 the population decline has become progressive and demographic aging has been observed, during the same period there was a decrease in the number of economically active population and the population as a whole, which coincided with the all-Russian trend. The reasons for the current demographic situation in the country and regions, which can be safely called depopulation, are considered. To solve socio-demographic problems and ensure the growth of the reproduction of human resources, it is proposed to consistently introduce such modern technology as “management by results”in public administration. At the regional level, it is recommended to create a coordination center to improve the effectiveness of interaction between government departments, institutions dealing with fertility, health, education, employment of the population and large and medium-sized enterprises-employers. The author proposes a set of program measures aimed at improving the efficiency of human resource reproduction at the state, regional and corporate levels.


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How to Cite

Akyulov Р. (2021). Managing the effectiveness of the reproduction of human resources in the region: problems and prospects . DISCUSSION | Journal of Scientific Publications on Economic ISSN 2077-7639, 106(2 (3), 70–80. Retrieved from