Market positioning of the copper industry (data analysis for 2019-2020)


  • T. Agapova Moscow University, Russian Ministry of Interior (Moscow, Russian Federation).
  • O. Bazhenov Ural Federal University named after the first President of Russia B. N. Yeltsin (Yekaterinburg, Russian Federation).


Предприятия медной промышленности, рыночные тренды, цветная металлургия, УГМК, Русская медная компания, Норильский никель, рыночное позиционирование.


The copper sub-industry of Russia is of strategic importance for the development of the domestic and world economy due to the resource provision of organizations in mechanical engineering, electric power, industrial and civil construction, etc. In this regard, the issue of studying the dynamics of the development of the sub-industry in the context of the coronavirus restrictions of 2020 is relevant. Then, the purpose of this study is to present the dynamics of the development of copper industry enterprises for the period 2019-2020, the formation of the main conclusions about the current economic situation in the copper sub
-industry of the Russian Federation, the presentation of the market positions of the three main sectoral corporate structures: OJSC Ural Mining and Metallurgical Company, PJSC Mining and Metallurgical Company Norilsk Nickel and JSC Russian Copper Company, as well as identifying the main industry trends. To achieve the set task, the authors have consistently solved the following tasks: to present the composition of enterprises that form the copper industry in Russia; evaluate the dynamics of copper prices for the period under study and make a conclusion about the impact of exchange prices on the activities of companies, taking into account fluctuations in the US dollar exchange rate; assess the dynamics of volumes and structure of production and consumption of copper products in the Russian Federation
and abroad; to identify the relationship between the quarantine measures introduced in 2020 and the dynamics of the development of the copper sub-industry of the Russian Federation. In preparing the research materials, general scientific and special research methods were used, such as: content analysis of open data of annual reports of enterprises-objects of
research, methods of comparative analysis, methods of graphical presentation of integrated (synthesized) data. The materials obtained during the preparation of the study can be used for the preparation of aggregated analytical data and the formation of judgments about the feasibility of investing in enterprises of the copper industry of the Russian Federation.


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Author Biographies

T. Agapova, Moscow University, Russian Ministry of Interior (Moscow, Russian Federation).

Doctor of economics, professor of the Department of economic security, finance and economic analysis.

O. Bazhenov, Ural Federal University named after the first President of Russia B. N. Yeltsin (Yekaterinburg, Russian Federation).

PhD in economics, associate professor of the Department of accounting, analysis and audit.


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How to Cite

Agapova Т., & Bazhenov О. (2021). Market positioning of the copper industry (data analysis for 2019-2020) . DISCUSSION | Journal of Scientific Publications on Economic ISSN 2077-7639, 106(2 (3), 5–12. Retrieved from