Editor inchief
Summary of the Editor-in-Chief of the Scientific Journal on Economics "Discussion"
Makar Svetlana Vladimirovna
Academic degree, academic title and official position: Doctor of Economics, Candidate of Geographical Sciences, associate Professor, leading researcher.
Current place of work: Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation Institute of Regional Studies and Spatial Development Problems, Center for the Study of Problems of Federalism and Local Self-Government.
Main scientific direction: spatial analysis
Scientific interests: socio-economic geography, regional economy, spatial economy, environmental economics.
Main activities:
Teaching position: Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation: "Economics of Environmental Management", "Economic Geography and Regional Economy", "Regional Economy".
Research activity: Leading Researcher of the Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation: Institute of Regional Studies and Spatial Development Problems - Center for the Study of Problems of Federalism and Local Self-Government.
Number of scientific papers: more than 190
Number of educational and methodical works - 50
S.V.Makar is the winner of the All–Russian competition for the best scientific book of 2012 in the nomination "Economics and Management" for the book "Application of spatial analysis methodology to the study of the forest potential of Russia".
Main monographs
Makar S.In The application of spatial analysis methodology to the study of the forest potential of Russia. Monograph. - M.:Economics, 2012. 367s. (23.0 p.l.).
Makar S.V.Development of the forest potential of Russia: prerequisites, problems, strategies, priorities: Monograph. - M.; Saratov: IAgP RAS: 2010. 237s. (12.4 p.l.).
Makar S.V. Formation of a rational system of regional forest management in modern Russia: Monograph - Moscow: Financial Academy under the Government of the Russian Federation, 2008. 124 p. (7.75 pp.).
Sections in collective monographs
Makar S.V. Forest potential as a resource for the development of Russia (section of the monograph "Economic theory in the XXI century – 8 (15): Economics of modernization") /Monograph edited by Yu.M.Osipov, A.Yu.Arkhipov, E.S.Zotova. - M.; Rostov n/A: University Book, 2011. - Pp. 450-457.
Makar S.V. Economic-legal and political accents of the mechanism of ensuring sustainability and security in the forest sector (section 49 of the monograph "Mechanism of economic-legal provision of national security: experience, problems, prospects") / Collective of authors //- Krasnodar: Publishing House of the Research Institute of the Southern Federal District, 2011. - P. 445-457.
3 Makar S.V. The actual direction of ensuring economic security of Russia – countering illegal timber (section 19 of the monograph "The mechanism of economic and legal provision of national security: experience, problems, prospects") / Collective of authors// - Krasnodar: Publishing House of the Research Institute of the Southern Federal District, 2010. Vol. 1. - S.165-176.
Makar S.V. Perestroika of the national economy: innovative strategies for the development of the forest potential of Russia and its regions (section of the monograph "Perestroika of Russia"). / Edited by Yu.M. Osipova, M.M.Guzeva, E.S.Zotova: in 2 vols. Vol.2.// - M.; Volgograd: Volgograd Scientific Publishing House, 2010. - pp. 254-261.
Makar S.V. The role of the state in the modernization of the protection, protection and reproduction of regional forest potential (section of the monograph "Economic and legal aspects of the modernization strategy of Russia: mechanisms of ensuring competitiveness and high-quality economic growth") /Edited by O.V. Inshakov, G.B. Kleiner, Z.M. Hasheva, V.V. Sorokozherdyev// - Krasnodar: YUIM, 2010. - pp.229-238.
Makar S.V. Socio-humanitarian and ecological problems of the development of the forest potential of Russia and its regions (section of the monograph "Economic and legal aspects of the modernization strategy of Russia: towards an effective and moral economy") /Edited by O.V.Inshakov, G.B. Kleiner, V.F. Lazovsky, A.Y.Arkhipov, V.I.Gaiduk, S.M.Gorlova, V.V. Sorokozherdyeva, Z.M. Hasheva, L.Ya. Chikarina// - Krasnodar: Publishing House of YUIM, 2009. - pp. 369-379.
Makar S.V. Economic and legal prerequisites of modern management of regional forest management (section of the monograph "Modern strategy of socio-economic development of Russia: issues of economics and law") / Edited by O.V.Inshakov, G.B. Kleiner, A.Y. Arkhipov, V.I. Gaiduk, S.M. Gorlov, V.F. Lazovsky, V.I.Nechaeva, V.V. Sorokozherdva, L.Ya. Chikarina// - Krasnodar: YUIM, 2009. - pp.325-336.
Makar S.V.Innovations in the development of forest management in Russia (creation and implementation of sustainable forest management through model forests) (section of the monograph "Economic theory in the XXI century – 7(14): Innovative Economy") / Monograph edited by Yu.M.Osipov, I.V.Shevchenko, L.N.Drobyshevskaya, E.S.Zotova// - M.; Krasnodar: Prosveshchenie-Yug, 2008. - pp.384-390.
Basic textbooks and teaching aids
Golubchik M.M., Faibusovich E.L., Nosonov A.M., Makar S.V. Economic and social geography: Fundamentals of Science:Textbook for students. higher. studies. institutions - Moscow: Humanit.ed.center VLADOS, 2003.
Economics of environmental management: textbook / S.V. Makar, V.G. Glushkova. – 2nd ed., reprint. and additional – M.: Yurayt Publishing House, 2011.-588 p. – (Fundamentals of Sciences). (author's - Preface, chapters 1-7 and 10, conclusion, appendices, dictionary of concepts and terms).
Economics of environmental management: a textbook for bachelors / V.G. Glushkova, S.V. Makar,. – 2nd ed., reprint. and additional. – M.: Yurayt Publishing House, 2013.-588 p. – Series: Bachelor. Basic course. (author's - Preface, chapters 1-7 and 10, conclusion, appendices, dictionary of concepts and terms).
Makar S.V.Fundamentals of Environmental management economics (textbook). - M.: IME, 1998. 192 p.
Makar, S.V.Economics of environmental management: lecture notes / S.V.Makar. – 2nd ed., reprint. and additional- M.: Yurayt Publishing House, 2011. – 208 p. (I want to pass everything!)
Glushkova V.G., Makar S.V.Economics of nature management. - M.: Gardariki, 2007, 2005, 2003. (author's – chapters 1-7, 10, appendices 2-6. pp.13-328; 388-447).
Federal districts of the Russian Federation. Regional Economics: textbook/col.authors; edited by V.G.Glushkova and Yu.A.Simagin. - M.: KNORUS, 2009.352 p. (author's – ch.4 - pp.91-124 - Southern Federal District).
Demography: textbook /col.authors; edited by V.G.Glushkova, Yu.A.Simagin. - M.:KNORUS, 2004, 2006, 2007, 2008. - 304 4. Reproduction and quality of the population: §4.3 The quality of the population as a component of economic development and quality of life; chap.6. Theoretical foundations of population studies. Demographic patterns, concepts and policies; Chapter 8. Regional demographic differences and trends in their changes: §8.5. Demographic policy in Russia - P.151-158; 182-209; 255-263; 277-285, Appendix 2.)
Introduction to Economic Geography and regional Economy of Russia: A textbook for students of higher education.institutions /Under the general editorship of prof.V.G.Glushkova, Associate Professor A.A.Vinokurova: at 2 a.m.: VLADOS-PRESS Publishing House, 2003. (author's. - Part 1. Section 3. The economic complex of Russia and its intersectoral complexes: Chapter 2: §8. Transport complex - Pp.367-395).
Regional Economics : Textbook / S. V. Makar, V. G. Glushkova, E. L. Plisetsky [et al.]. – 2nd ed., trans. and add. – Moscow : Yurayt Publishing House, 2020. – 459 p. – (Higher education). – ISBN 978-5-534-05112-4.
Theory and methodology of geographical science : Textbook / S. V. Makar, M. M. Golubchik, A.M. Nosonov [et al.]. – 2nd ed., ispr. and add. – Moscow : Yurayt Publishing House, 2020. – 1 p. – (Higher education). – ISBN 978-5-534-07904-3.
Socio-economic geography: Textbook / S. V. Makar, M. M. Golubchik, A.M. Nosonov, E. L. Faibusovich. – 2nd ed., ispr. and add. – Moscow : Yurayt Publishing House, 2020. – 1 p. – (Higher education). – ISBN 978-5-534-11477-5. – EDN KQOUNM.
The main articles in the publications included in the list of the Higher Attestation Commission
Makar, S. V. Spatial development of the Russian Far East: demographic and socio-economic factors / S. V. Makar, A.V. Yarasheva, Yu. A. Simagin // Population. – 2021. – Vol. 24. – No. 1. – pp. 117-130. – DOI 10.19181/population.2021.24.1.11.
Makar, S. V. Main limitations and risks for the socio-economic development of territories with low financial stability / S. V. Makar, A. I. Dudnik, S. A. Glazunova // Creative Economy. – 2021. – Vol. 15. – No. 11. – pp. 4165-4182. – DOI 10.18334/ce.15.11.113763.
Makar, S. V. Vectors of ecotransformation of the economic space of the regions of Russia in the context of the need for managerial adaptation / S. V. Makar, A.V. Yarasheva // Self-government. – 2021. – № 6(128). – Pp. 375-379.
Makar, S. V. Demographic situation in Russia and social infrastructure / S. V. Makar, Yu. A. Simagin, A.V. Yarasheva // Population. – 2020. – Vol. 23. – No. 1. – pp. 67-75. – DOI 10.19181/population.2020.23.1.6.
Makar, S. V. Accents of the development of the macro-regional space of Russia: social infrastructure / S. V. Makar, P. V. Stroev, D. E. Morkovkin // Industrial economics. – 2019. – Vol. 12. – No. 3. – pp. 367-376. – DOI 10.17073/2072-1633-2019-3-367-376.
Makar, S. V. Assessment and spatial patterns of innovation development in the regions of Russia / S. V. Makar, A.M. Nosonov // Economy. Taxes. Law. – 2017. – Vol. 10. – No. 4. – pp. 96-106. – EDN ZQOIAB.
Makar, S. V. On the question of the pole of development of the potential of the region: Pskov region / S. V. Makar // Pskov Regionological Journal. – 2015. – No. 24. – pp. 12-22.
Makar S.V. Spatial analysis: development of the concept and application possibilities /S.V.Makar//Bulletin of the Financial University. – 2012. - №2(68). - Pp.61-72. (1,2 p.l.).
Makar S.V. Conceptual model of regional ecological and economic balance based on forest potential / S.V.Makar //Regional economy. – 2012. - № 7(238). - C. 25-36. (0.87 p.l.).