About the Journal

The mission of the journal is to familiarize a wide readership with the developments of Russian and foreign scientists in the field of economics, as well as to support the community of economists and all those who are willing to participate in the discourse related to the development of economic life of society. Popularization of Russian and world experience in solving urgent problems of functioning and development of social institutions and the influence of local and global economies on them.


Уважаемые авторы, присылайте свои исследования на официальную почту редакции


Уважаемые авторы, так как количество исследований, присылаемых на публикацию достаточно велико. Растёт техническая и операционная сложность их обработки через личный кабинет. Просьба присылать свои исследования через официальную почту редакции: journal-discussion@mail.ru

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Current Issue

Vol. 132 No. 11 (2024): DISCUSSION | Journal of scientific publications on economic
					View Vol. 132 No. 11 (2024): DISCUSSION | Journal of scientific publications on economic
Published: 2025-02-25
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